The curriculum committee (CC) ensures that the institutional curricular plan and its delivery are aligned to and in accordance to the principles and requirements enshrined in the GMR document.
The role of the curriculum committee in this process as follows
- Overall in-charge of the curricular delivery
- Meets at least 6 times a year
- Provides oversight and support of the curricular program
- Creates the timetable with the help of the curriculum sub-committees(CSC) and alignment and integration team(AIT) and approves them
- Provides necessary authority and support for the work of the curriculum
- Responsible for preparation of reports etc as required by the medical council.
Phase-wise sub-committee and topic specific alignment and integration teams will help the curriculum committee in its task. The composition of the curriculum committee will be as follows
- Professor/Associate professor of Pre-clinical specialty
- Professor/Associate professor of Para-clinical specialty
- Professor/Associate professor of Medical specialty
- Professor/Associate professor of Surgical specialty
- MEU coordinator of the college
- Representative of student and interns
- Dean/principal to act as chairman of the committee
Curriculum subcommittee (CSC)
The phase wise curriculum subcommittee (CSC): should consist of heads of departments/key faculty from each specialty teaching in that phase and with representation from members of other phases and reporting to the CC its functions are summarized below:
- Responsible for the implementation of the curriculum in each phase
- Meets as often as needed
- Reviews competencies for each phase and converts them into learning objectives
- Works in aligning the curriculum as much as possible and enlisting help from other phases in creating necessary vertical integration and links
- Reduces redundancy across the phase by integrating overlapping teaching elements
- Develops learning and assessment methods for each phase
- Prepares the timetable for the phase and presents it to the CC for approval
- Collects feedback and provides student support
The Alignment And Integration Team (AIT)
The alignment and integration team (AIT): is a group of faculty that will ensure that an aligned and integrated topic (AITo) is delivered. Each team will have at least one member from each department across phases and is responsible for delivery of the topics. The AIT reports to the curriculum committee.
The functions o the AIT includes the following
- Responsible for the creating learning and assessment sessions of the Aligned and integrated topics (AITo) identified across phases
- Each AIT will have a team with adequate representation from the subjects involved in that topic
- A team leader from each AIT represents the aligned and integrated topic(AITo) to the CSC and /or CC
- Reviews competencies and develops learning objectives for the topic
- Assigns learning objectives to each phase and teaching session
- Develops learning and assessment methods for the (AITo)
- Helps faculty with delivering session appropriately and in a collaborative manner across phases
- Collects feedback for the AITo
- Provides student support.
Committee Members
S.No | Name | Designation | Position |
1. | Dr. A Thulasi | Dean | Chairperson |
2. | Dr. K. Rekha | Professor, Department of Physiology | MEU Coordinator |
3. | Dr. S. Vishnu Kumar | Professor, Department of General Surgery | Member |
4. | Dr. Pradeepa Subbaiah | Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine | Member |
5. | Dr. D. Shivaashankari | Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics | Member |
6. | Dr. G. Thayumana Sundaram | Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics | Member |
7. | Dr. Vivekanandh | Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology | Member |
8. | Dr. M. Aruna | Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology | Member |
9. | Dr. K. Magila | Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry | Member |
10. | Dr. M. Nigilesh | Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine | Member |